Target | cis/trans | Study | SNP | SNP location | Maj/min allele | MAF | N | βinv | seinv | Pinv | fclog | Plog | Praw |
PCSK7 | cis | Discovery | rs7083 | 11:117,156,552 | C/T | 0.41 | 996 | 0.332 | 0.044 | 6.3×10-14 | 1.090 | 9×10-12 | 2.2×10-5 |
PCSK7 | cis | Replication | rs535602 | 11:117,107,775 | G/A | 0.19 | 337 | 0.343 | 0.090 | 1.7×10-4 | 1.130 | 2.1×10-4 | 0.001 |
Target (abbrv.) | PCSK7 |
Target (full name) | Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 7 |
Somalogic ID (Sequence ID) | SL014069 (4459-68_2) |
Entrez Gene Symbol | PCSK7 |
UniProt ID | Q16549 |
UniProt Comment |
Biomarker applications (based on IPA annotation) |
All locus annotations are based on the sentinel SNP (rs7083) and 39 proxy variant(s) that is/are in linkage disequilibrium r2 ≥ 0.8. Linkage disequilibrium is based on data from the 1000 Genomes Project, phase 3 version 5, European population and was retrieved using SNiPA's Block Annotation feature.
Download the detailed results of SNiPA's block annotation (PDF)
Genes hit or close-by | |
eQTL genes |
Trait | P | Study | Source |
Gene expression of TAGLN in peripheral blood monocytes | 2×10-23 | 20502693 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of TAGLN///PCSK7 in blood | 7.5×10-20 | 21829388 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of SIDT2 in peripheral blood monocytes | 1.2×10-18 | 20502693 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
"Gene expression of BACE1 [transcript NM_138972, probe A_23_P52806] in liver" | 2×10-16 | 21637794 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of SIDT2 in blood | 2.7×10-8 | 21829388 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of BACE1 in liver | 1.3×10-5 | 18462017 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Triglycerides | 4.9×10-5 | 24097068 (PMID) | Supplemental file |
Total cholesterol | 6.2×10-5 | 20686565 (PMID) | GRASP2 nonQTL |
Parkinson's disease | 2.7×10-4 | 22451204 (PMID) | GRASP2 nonQTL |
HDL cholesterol | 3×10-4 | 20686565 (PMID) | GRASP2 nonQTL |