Target | cis/trans | Study | SNP | SNP location | Maj/min allele | MAF | N | βinv | seinv | Pinv | fclog | Plog | Praw |
MAPKAPK3 | trans | Discovery | rs17844003 | 13:46,670,347 | T/C | 0.20 | 994 | -0.377 | 0.055 | 1.2×10-11 | -1.120 | 8.2×10-12 | 2.1×10-11 |
Target (abbrv.) | MAPKAPK3 |
Target (full name) | MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 3 |
Somalogic ID (Sequence ID) | SL004765 (3822-54_2) |
Entrez Gene Symbol | MAPKAPK3 |
UniProt ID | Q16644 |
UniProt Comment |
Biomarker applications (based on IPA annotation) |
Wiki Pathways |
Pathway Interaction Database |
Reactome |
Pathway Studio |
All locus annotations are based on the sentinel SNP (rs17844003).
Download the detailed results of SNiPA's block annotation (PDF)
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eQTL genes |
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