HelmholtzZentrum munich

Connecting genetic risk to disease endpoints through the human blood plasma proteome


Proteome annotation
Locus annotations

Locus 445

Top associations per target

Target cis/​trans Study SNP SNP location Maj/​min allele MAF N βinv seinv Pinv fclog Plog Praw
IL-17B R cis Discovery rs4453827 3:53,750,084 T/C 0.24 995 0.333 0.050 6.4×10-11 1.130 2×10-8 0.157
IL-17B R cis Replication rs6800641 3:53,770,588 A/G 0.21 337 -0.026 0.087 0.769 -1.000 0.999 0.877


Regional association plots

interleukin-17 receptor B (IL-17B R)


Boxplots and histograms for top associations

interleukin-17 receptor B (IL-17B R)

inverse-normalized probe levels log2 transformed probe levels raw probe levels
Discovery study
Replication study

interleukin-17 receptor B (IL-17B R)

Target (abbrv.) IL-17B R
Target (full name) interleukin-17 receptor B
Somalogic ID (Sequence ID) SL005174 (5084-154_3)
Entrez Gene Symbol IL17RB
UniProt ID Q9NRM6
UniProt Comment
  • Receptor for the proinflammatory cytokines IL17B and IL17E. May play a role in controlling the growth and/or differentiation of hematopoietic cells.

All locus annotations are based on the sentinel SNP (rs4453827) and 24 proxy variant(s) that is/are in linkage disequilibrium r2 ≥ 0.8. Linkage disequilibrium is based on data from the 1000 Genomes Project, phase 3 version 5, European population and was retrieved using SNiPA's Block Annotation feature.
Download the detailed results of SNiPA's block annotation (PDF)

Linked genes

Genes hit or close-by
  • CACNA1D calcium channel, voltage-dependent, L type, alpha 1D subunit
Potentially regulated genes
  • DCP1A decapping mRNA 1A
eQTL genes
  • CHDH choline dehydrogenase
  • IL17RB interleukin 17 receptor B


Results from other genome-wide association studies

Trait P Study Source
cg13411554 (chr3:53700252) 8.4×10-12 10.1101/033084 (DOI) BIOS QTL cis-meQTLs
cg15417641 (chr3:53700117) 5.6×10-8 10.1101/033084 (DOI) BIOS QTL cis-meQTLs
cg14843888 (chr3:53530223) 6.9×10-7 10.1101/033084 (DOI) BIOS QTL cis-meQTLs
Body mass index 4.9×10-6 25673413 (PMID) Supplemental file
cg17184165 (chr3:53855953) 5.7×10-6 10.1101/033084 (DOI) BIOS QTL cis-meQTLs
Serum ratio of (choline)/(glycerol 2-phosphate) 5×10-5 21886157 (PMID) GRASP2 metabQTL
cg19128261 (chr3:53839275) 7.8×10-5 10.1101/033084 (DOI) BIOS QTL cis-meQTLs
Serum ratio of (3-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA))/(hydroquinone sulfate) 4.7×10-4 21886157 (PMID) GRASP2 metabQTL
Bipolar disorder 4.8×10-4 21926972 (PMID) Supplemental file