Target | cis/trans | Study | SNP | SNP location | Maj/min allele | MAF | N | βinv | seinv | Pinv | fclog | Plog | Praw |
TXD12 | trans | Discovery | rs4688759 | 3:50,008,118 | T/C | 0.10 | 997 | 0.959 | 0.067 | 1.8×10-42 | 1.270 | 1.4×10-39 | 9.2×10-46 |
TXD12 | trans | Replication | rs9844757 | 3:49,343,601 | A/C | 0.05 | 337 | 0.865 | 0.154 | 4.2×10-8 | 1.260 | 5.1×10-7 | 9.9×10-7 |
All locus annotations are based on the sentinel SNP (rs4688759) and 19 proxy variant(s) that is/are in linkage disequilibrium r2 ≥ 0.8. Linkage disequilibrium is based on data from the 1000 Genomes Project, phase 3 version 5, European population and was retrieved using SNiPA's Block Annotation feature.
Download the detailed results of SNiPA's block annotation (PDF)
Genes hit or close-by |
eQTL genes |
Trait | P | Study | Source |
Gene expression of WDR6 in peripheral blood monocytes | 1.7×10-28 | 20502693 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of USP4 in peripheral blood monocytes | 1.8×10-27 | 20502693 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Gene expression of HYAL3 in peripheral blood monocytes | 2×10-10 | 20502693 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Inflammatory bowel disease | 4.5×10-8 | Supplemental file | |
Gene expression of WDR6 in normal prepouch ileum | 9.6×10-7 | 23474282 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Ulcerative collitis | 8.8×10-6 | Supplemental file | |
Crohn's disease | 2.2×10-5 | Supplemental file | |
Anorexia nervosa | 1.2×10-4 | 24514567 (PMID) | Supplemental file |
"Gene expression of UBA7 [transcript NM_003335, probe A_23_P21207] in liver" | 1.8×10-4 | 21637794 (PMID) | GRASP2 eQTL |
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder | 2.5×10-4 | 20732625 (PMID) | Supplemental file |
Total cholesterol | 2.9×10-4 | 20339536 (PMID) | GRASP2 nonQTL |
Two SNPs that are 1.2 MB apart, each harbours a replicated trans-pQTLs with Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 12 (TXNDC12). This protein is poorly characterized. Multiple cis-encoded genes with strong eQTLs may be used to elucidate its biological role. rs11715835 tags a 20 order of magnitude stronger association on imputed variant rs143867864. rs143867864 is uncorrelated with rs4688759.
The information gathered here is a result of an attempt to keep track of all interesting information that we encountered while investigating these loci. Please bear in mind that the annotation given here is neither complete nor free of errors, and that all information provided here should be confirmed by additional literature research before being used as a basis for firm conclusions or further experiments.